The Bees Have Arrived!! June 30, 2022 During the first few weeks of the season we are asked about the lack of bees on the lavender. The plants can be a bit misleading, as the inital colour starts to...
What's the white foam on the lavender? June 19, 2022The white foam is actually known as Cuckoo Spit but it doesn't really have anything to do with cuckoo's other than the fact that it usually starts to appear on...
Fields open Today !!! June 15, 2022Its the first day of our season today.!! We will be open daily from 10am until 5pm every day until the 7th August. Last year we also had some open...
Summer's Here June 12, 2022Summer is definitely here with the first colour now on the lavender. We are often asked when will the lavender be in colour and thats a difficult thing to predict....
Creating The Adventure Trail June 1, 2022 Our plans for the adventure trail started back in the spring. (Possibly a bit late in the year to be doing this but we seem to work better under...
Lavender Flapjack Recipe May 16, 2022If you haven't tried lavender flapjack before then you really must! Be careful not to add too much lavender the first time you make it though. I prefer to add...